Thursday 3 August 2017

Magnolia review

To all intents and purposes, this film blew my mind...I mean a well thought out and bordering on genius movie coming out of Hollywood?? Will wonders ever cease? Directed by Paul Thomas Anderson (the only other film I know of by this director is "there will be blood") and featuring a list of well known and established actors: this film is nothing short of a marvel. A film with a running time of three hours plus has to have something special to keep the viewers attention right and this film does that with little to no effort. This director has the tendency of squeezing out a very good performance from anyone who works with him and doing that with such well known actors is a trick in itself and the story is no slouch either. As this revolves around ordinary people in everyday life, there is a bit of something in here that we all can relate to and not to give anything away here: there is a twist that packs a very raw and emotional punch included. I know that I am talking about an old film (1999 to be exact) but for me it was surprising and a breath of fresh air to see a highly original film coming out of Hollywood and not a re-hash of things that are recycled and forced down our throats nowadays. Come to think of it, my friends did not enjoy the film as much as I did so I think it is safe to assume that this film might be an acquired taste. However, I could find no fault with the script (genius...just pure genius) which was penned by the director himself and what can I say about the music: songs were very catchy and music was used to a very good degree. You just have to go see this for yourselves; granted that some of you might not like it as much as I did but I would guess that just by reading my opinion of things you would be a bit curious as to how this all turns out. Do yourselves a favour and hire this out and make up your own minds.

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