Monday, 7 December 2015

Howl review

My guess is that the name is a BIG clue to what this movie is about; yep it's werewolfs.  Now I've seen some doozies in my time but this thankfully wasn't that bad...well (to me) it was better than most werewolf movies I'd seen. What really struck me was: even though not very good make-up: the werewolfs in this were the most unnerving creatures I had seen in a long time. The story isn't exactly what you would call original but it did hold my interest throughout its entirety. Some of you might not find this film to your liking reason being that it doesn't have the flare of similar big budgeted blockbusters but in its defence I would like to say that think back to the days of old when storytelling was an art form and not just an afterthought. In that state of mind this story works...pure and simple. Perhaps you have to view this film with rose coloured spectacles to enjoy it but I for one did enjoy it even with its faults. Give it a it and see what you think. Oh and forgot to mention, this is a British film so much better than American films.

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