Thursday 31 August 2017

Hunger games trilogy review

How many of you have experienced "interesting sleep"? Actually, let me re-tract that (I think I'm being overly harsh in saying that) and say that these trio of movies (4...I know, but they make up a trilogy) are a "slow build up of interest only to lose it again" kind of trilogy. Right: lets get my hands into the inner workings of these four films (rubbing hands gleefully here). Like the majority of people I was also led to believe that this was an attempt to remake and rehash a well known and entertaining film called "battle royale" and bring it to a wider audience hence the 12 (PG13) certificate but after viewing the entire trilogy I have found it to be more than a simple rehash. It is actually more of a mix of certain films with the main story having more in common with films such as "the running man" and to make it seem like an intelligent film, political views from "equilibrium" among other similar films. But here's the difference between this and "battle royale" (as the film it's most likened to); whereas in "BR" you develop some attachment on an emotional level to the characters..."hunger games" gives the viewer no such attachments and the various characters are just cannon fodder you couldn't care less for. Maybe I am being too critical of this film as I did find it somewhat interesting even if it was when watching the second film. What I will say in conclusion is that the entire trilogy starts off slow, builds up steam only to loose it as it comes towards it's climatic ending. There I said it!!! Keeping a neutral view on things, I neither hated it or enjoyed it. I guess that it will appeal to the younger generation of today but  as for me, I just found it a bit lacking in depth.

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