Sunday, 24 May 2015

Poltergeist review

"They're here"! More akin to the phrase "they're back" as this is a reboot of the sometimes underrated but excellent 1982 "poltergeist" movie. Although the screenplay is done by Spielberg, it doesn't have the impact of the original. I'm not saying that it's a bad movie in fact it is a great effort at a modern day reboot but I would say that suspense was replaced by jump scares, Sam Rockwell is a good actor (check out "green mile" or "moon") but somehow he doesn't really stand out in this one...just does an OK job with the material he is given. Talking about this movie is proving to be difficult as saying too much is likely to give away spoilers so the less said the better. Again I would say that this movie gets an A for effort but is lacking in the suspense department. Is it worth seeing? Yes and no, depends on the viewers outlook. See it without influence of the original and you might come out enjoying it a bit more than you thought.

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