Sunday, 19 July 2015

Terminator genisys review

At last, a terminator film that deserves to be a follow-on to (the awesome) T2. It is actually a film for the fans of the original two movies. Forget about "rise of the machines" (it was OK I think) and the abysmal "terminator 4": this IS the movie that is close to Cameron's vision. And what "terminator" film would be complete without Arnold in it? Yes he's in it and although a bit...ahem...seasoned he fits the role well as well as having more than a few tricks up his "metallic" sleeve. While watching this at my local cineworld, I was taken back to my excitement of watching "T2" and gaping at the effects. Seriously, the effects had a wow factor and didn't seem like effects at all. Recalling the last time I was wowed like this was when I saw the afore mentioned second terminator and also "Jurassic park".  Time for me to contradict myself a bit now; although  this movie kept my eyes glued to the screen (popcorn forgotten), if I am to be honest the plot was a bit too over-complicated. Maybe it's just me who thinks that they took a simple idea and put too much thinking into it. Nevertheless it is a good movie and a true follow-up to the first two originals. If  you haven't seen it....why??? Go see it immediately!

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