Thursday, 22 October 2015

The sword and the sorcerer review

What's not to like? swords...check, adventure...check, fantasy...check, eye candy...check. They sure don't make them like they used to. Somewhere along the lines most film-makers and even film companies have forgotten the most basic rule about films and that is that they are made for entertainment purposes; be it cheesy or campy. This film: even though it is a blatant rip-off from the Conan universe: sets out to do just that. Surprisingly, something that is unheard of nowadays, the special effects from basic to advanced (for the time period) do not come in the way of the story (and just to point out one of the effects was quite realistic and disturbing). Released around the same time as the Conan film, this was not given the same budget (and it shows) but it was damned entertaining. It was nice to see what actors looked like before the warping effects of plastic surgery and steroid abuse went mainstream. Featuring one of the most likeable main hero I have come across and as for the eye candy I mentioned, the women were no slouch either and that goes to show us that they don't need surgical enhancements to look their best (that goes for both sexes). The humour and one liners in this were quite comedic and I really (and I mean really) enjoyed the action scenes. This is a feel good movie that  has its flaws but which movie doesn't? A wonderfully done feature and sheer value for the fun factor. Everyone should go see this but remember when watching it was an 80s flick.

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