Sunday, 21 August 2016

Into the mirror review

While watching this I had a feeling of "having seen it all before". It didn't take me long to realise that I had watched a film called "mirrors" a few years ago and the burning question that I'd ask myself was "which one came first?" After doing some research on the internet (what would I do without it) I came to the realisation that the Hollywood film was actually a remake of this Korean suspense thriller. Now "mirrors" wasn't a bad film...for all intents, it was actually a faster paced suspense thriller than the Korean film but (this might be just me) "into the mirror" has the ability to suck the viewer into the story and do it gradually over a a similar running time that somehow seems to be longer. Anyway, both films are entertaining. However, because I tend to prefer foreign films over (most) Hollywood ones: I will side with the Korean one. Both films are very predictable but also prove to be an enjoyable watch. I would recommend that you see the original version as I would say that it has a better story line than the remake. Still...both are worth watching.

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